Get to Know: Scott Blackwell

Scott's Testimony

My testimony is that my wife brought me to the Lord. I wasn't raised in the church, and although I knew deep down that God existed, I was a long way from having a relationship with Him. I was raised in a family with a lot of scars from alcoholism and abuse, so I struggled with any kind of authority figure. After Kelly and I married in 2007, she slowly and carefully brought me along in faith, to the point where we finally began attending church and I accepted Jesus as my Savior. He has done a lot of healing in me, and although I still struggle with the chains of my childhood (and being able to forgive), I have come to know Him as a loving Heavenly father.
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How did you get into radio?

When Kelly I moved here from Arizona, she immediately began working at The Promise FM, while I found work as a Delivery Helper for Lowes. Eventually a position opened up here at the station.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

Anyone who knows me knows it's hard for me to pick a favorite anything! But the verse I come back to again and again is 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NASB1995): "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." There's a song by Brandon Heath called "I'm Not Who I Was" that always gets to me.

What's your favorite childhood memory?

It's a tie between my sister Lisa teaching me how to ride a bike, and the day my step-father bought me a brand new BMX racing bike (we grew up poor, so for me to have a bike as nice as my friends' bikes gave me a sense that I belonged, and a pride I had never experienced before.)

What's your favorite food and why?

That's hard! I love food! But I would say seafood, especially shrimp and lobster. Oh, and steak. And beef jerky. lol

What's your favorite hobby and why?

I love music. I love discovering new music and new artists, and have had many jobs in my life that revolved around music. I love to travel and discover new places. I also love to read, although these days I find I have to force myself to sit down and read (life is full of so many distractions!)

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