Explore Our Ministries AlmaCelebrate Ministries, IncP.O. Box 93Alma, MI 48801jayandlaura.com/celebrate-ministries-inc Alpena 15th Annual Ride for the Homeless CourthouseW. Chisholm St.Alpena, MI 49707(989) 358-6643nate@nateblury.com AWANA Clubs Ministry 1900 N BagleyAlpena, MI 49707 (989) 590-8992maybeejen@yahoo.com Celebrate Recovery-Word of Life 1900 N. Bagley St Alpena, Mi 49707 (989) 724-5320 CR@wolbc.org Club Fusion 990 Golf Course RdAlpena, MI 49707 (989) 464-2249shoreline_fusion_ministry@yahoo.com Immanuel Lutheran School 355 Wilson St Alpena, MI 49707 (989) 354-4805school@immanuelalpena.org Marias Hope - Post Abortive Ministry 3558 M-32 West Alpena, MI 49707 (989) 916-6662mwentz@mariashope.com Sunrise Mission 622 W. Chisholm St Alpena, MI 49707 (989) 356-1277sunrisemission@verizon.net Atlanta Laura AppleWoods Cafe 11311 West Street Atlanta, MI 49709 (989) 464-0928applewoodscafe@yahoo.com Holy Walk 8258W-M 32 Atlanta, MI 49709 (989) 785-2062bigrockchurch@gmail.com Big Rapids Celebrate Recovery-Trinity Fellowship220th and Perry Big Rapids, MI 4930 (231) 972-2797djmax@centurytel.net Celebrate Recovery-Resurrection Life Church 14734 215th Ave Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-4080office@rlcbigrapids.org GriefShare 220th and Perry Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-2600 trinity@i2k.com James Brandt Ministries P.O. Box 338 Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-8228info@jamesbrandt.org Options PRC 119 Linden St Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-4919director@carenetcadillac.org The Rock Men's Ministry 14734 215th Ave Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 796-4080office@rlcbigrapids.org Boyne Falls Compassion International, Child Advocate 7373 Springvale Rd Boyne Falls, MI 49713 (231) 549-2672kathrin@centurytel.net Higher Ground at Lake Louise 10750 Stafford Rd Boyne Falls, MI 49713 (231) 549-2889sarah@hgatll.com Cadillac Cadillac Heritage Christian School 1706 Wright St. Cadillac, MI 49601 (231) 775-4272 crenkiewicz_chcs@gaggle.net Chronic Illness & Physically Handicapped Support 1706 Wright St Cadillac, MI 49601 (231) 876-0042 rrbassett@juno.com Crossing The Jordan Ministries 906 Second Ave Cadillac, MI 49601(231) 884-5490jeffpeless@yahoo.com Healing Private Wounds856 N. Mitchell St Cadillac, MI 49601(231) 846-4495office@healingprivatewounds.org Joyful Hearts Early Learning Center 11198 East M-55 Cadillac, MI 49601 (231) 775-3898joyfulhearts@emmanuelcadillac.org Rediscover Fellowship 1404 Jeffery Dr Cadillac, Mi 49601 (231) 846-4999pastorbrown@gmail.com Sound Choices Medical Clinic 909 S. Carmel St Cadillac, MI 49601 (231) 775-8000 director@carenetcadillac.org Tom Shelder - Sunrise Family Counseling 115 Cobbs St Cadillac, MI 49601 (231) 645-3735sunriseatengedi@yahoo.com Women of New Beginnings Ministry 115 North Park StCadillac, MI 49601 womenofnewbeginnings@yahoo.com CedarvilleCedar Bay Camp and Retreat Center 1128 South Cedar Campus DrCedarville, MI 49719 (906) 484-2294registration@cedarbay.us Charlevoix Christian Counseling Services 203 E. Upright St Charlevoix, MI 49720 (231) 675-4682guthrie.stephen@gmail.com Eleventh Hour Outreach 104 E Upright Charlevoix, MI 49720 (231) 237-9686ragamuffintheatre@charter.net Ragamuffin Theatre 109 East Upright Charlevoix, Mi 49720 (231) 237-9986 ragamuffintheatre@charter.net Cheboygan AA Crisis Pregnancy CenterOn Ball St.Cheboygan, MI 49721(231) 627-2626aacpc@freeway.net Cornerstone Christian School 900 S. Western Ave Cheboygan, MI 49721 (231) 627-2160cornerstone@straitsarea.com East JordanPleasant Valley Bible Camp 3606 Wilson Rd East Jordan, MI 49727 (231) 544-6043www.pleasantvalleybiblecamp.com Ellsworth Moms & Tots Pregnancy Resource Center 9333 Main St Ellsworth, MI 12345 (231) 588-2200 Good Samaritan Food Pantry Resale Shop 9746 Main St Ellsworth, MI 49729 Fairview Camp Barakel P.O. Box 159 Fairview, MI 48621 (989) 848-2279info@campbarakel.org Wellspring Lutheran Services 1390 Maple Dr Fairview, MI 48621 (989) 686-7650info@wellspringlutheran.com Community Caring, Inc. P.O. Box 9 Fairview, MI 48621 (989) 848-2843comments@comcaring.org Frankfort Great News Network Local Leader 528 Corning Ave Frankfort, MI 49635 (231) 352-7717 councilor2@chartermi.net Crystal Camp and Conference Center 2365 South Shore East Frankfort, MI 49635 (231) 352-9311 Gaylord Child Evangelism Fellowship Gaylord, MI 49735 (989) 732-0634mr_mrsnocef@yahoo.com Emmanuel House 521 E. Main St Gaylord, Mi 49735 (989) 370-8149 emmanuelhousegaylord@yahoo.com Journey To Freedom, Inc. 1349 S. Otsego Ave Gaylord, MI 49734 (989) 705-2343 violet@journeytofreedominc.org Licensed Christian Counseling Ministries Gaylord Evangelical Free Church Gaylord, MI 49734 (989) 732-2647jdutton@gaylordefree.org Lighthouse Fellowship Church 833 W.Main Gaylord, MI 49689 (231) 223-8714rayfbc@yahoo.com Mary's Ministry 1399 Wilkinson Rd Gaylord, Mi 49735 (989) 808-5544lindathompson900@gmail.com Mechanics of Manhood 705 S. Otsego Ave Gaylord, MI 49735 (989) 732-1626mechanicsofmanhood@yahoo.com Moms Helping Moms Work From Home 731 Pine Briar Ln Gaylord, MI 49735 (989) 448-8201 yourlifeisyourchoices@hotmail.com ONLY 9AM 847Woodland Dr Gaylord, MI 49735 (989) 705-7727 theband@only9am.com Otsego Christian School 1377 M-32 East Gaylord, MI 49735 (989) 732-8333 office@ocsgaylord.org Proclaim Drama Ministry Gaylord, MI (989) 785-2062 raptureup53@peoplepc.com Spring Arbor University 80 Livingston Blvd Gaylord, MI 49735 (800) 522-6775shoffer@arbor.edu The Cardinal Comic Strip 324 East Petoskey St Gaylord, MI 49735 (989) 732-4673cardinalcomics@yahoo.com Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 114 South Center, Suite 104 Gaylord, MI 49735 (989) 731-6050 lynncarolmorris@yahoo.com Touch of Brass Trumpet Ministry 544 Burdo Rd Gaylord, MI 49735 (231) 546-6410jenewton@centurytel.net Womens Overcomers In Christ 115 E.Main St Gaylord, MI 49735 (989) 731-5433frn89rnpo@frontier.com Glennie North Eastern Reformation Society 5700 Clouse Rd Glennie, MI 48737 (989) 735-22625700ken@centurytel.net Lott Baptist Church 4257 State Rd Glennie, MI 48737 (989) 735-3771revash1@juno.com Grand RapidsCalvin Theological Seminary3233 Burton St SEGrand Rapids, MI 49546(616) 957-6036CalvinSeminarymarketing@gmail.com Grayling Northeast Michigan DeColores Ministry P.O. Box 445 Grayling, MI 49738 webservant@nemdecolores.com Camp Au Sable 2590 Camp Au Sable Dr Grayling, MI 49738 (989) 348-5491info@misda.org Harbor Springs Northern Michigan Community Marriage Agreement 105 Bay St Harbor Springs, MI 49740 (231) 526-2141wwalstrom@walstrom.com No Fence Too High Ministry 4505 S. State Rd Harbor Springs, MI 49740 (231) 526-6034tomnfthm@yahoo.com Hart CASA for Children 907 S State Street Hart, MI 49420 (231) 690-6777 OceanaCountyCASA@gmail.com Oceana County Jail Ministry P.O. Box 807 Hart, MI 49420 (231) 843-7572cthorne@t-one.net West Michigan Emmaus Community P.O. Box 595 Hart, MI 49420 (231) 843-7572cthorne@t-one.net Hersey Eagle Village, Inc. 4507 170th AveHersey, MI 49639 (231) 832-2234lgreene@eaglevillage.org Daily Life In Christ Inc. 19710 2 Mile Rd Hersey, MI 49639 (231) 250-6164 dailylifeinchrist@gmail.com Hillman New Beginnings Ministries16960 N. County Road 459Hillman, MI 49746(989) 742-2539www.newbeginningshillman.org Fire Dept. Ministry - Helping Fire Victims 15885 Pine St Hillman, MI 49746 (989) 742-4558firemanachatz@hotmail.com Honor The Way 10906 Main St Honor, MI 49640 (231) 871-0551thewayministries@worshipper.com Fresh Wind Christian Community 9780 Honor Highway Honor, Mi 49640 (231) 325-0344administration@freshwindchristiancommunity.org Indian River Heather's Harmony 1546 S Straits Hwy Indian River, MI 49749 (231)238-9089dhduncan@utmi.net Duncans Music & Ministry 1546 S. Straits Hwy Indian River, MI 49749 (231) 238-9089dhduncan@utmi.net Ronon's Place8119 M-68Indian River, MI 49749(231) 203-2098https://www.rononsplace.org/ Lake City Timber Wolf Lake 4909 N. Morey Rd Lake City, MI 49651 (231) 839-7552 timberwolf@timberwolf.younglife.org Clam River Prayer Project N. Morey Rd. M-66 M-55 Lake City, MI 49651 (231) 884-5683newworld@voyager.net Ludington Behold the Lamb of God West Shore CC Center StageLudington, Mi 49431 (231) 757-2857 Calvary Lighthouse Fellowship P.O. Box 160 Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 843-3624clf@clfellowship.org Campus Life Center for Youth 605 N Rath Ave. PO Box 515 Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 843-1323westshoreyfc@yahoo.com Campus Life West Shore Youth for Christ 605 N Rath Ave Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 843-1323info@campuslifecenter.org Divorce Recovery Workshop 109 N. Harrison St Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 845-1185 silverquill409@hotmail.com Hands Extended Loving People (HELP) 109 N. Harrison St Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 843-6811helpministry@t-one.net Harbor House of Ludington Maternity Home PO Box 364 Ludington, Mi 49431 (231)425-3572info@harborhouseofludington.com Healthy Perspectives 7390 M 116Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 843-0340 slpaulnp@charter.net Lenny Sparx Ministries 6760 Maple Rd Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 845-2501themarlans@t-one.net Seekers of Salvation Youth Group 409 S. Washington Ave Ludington, MI 49431 seekersofsalvation@gmail.com West Shore Pregnancy Care Center 5565 First St Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 843-7094info@wspcc.org The Fellowship of Christian Athletes 710 E. Sixth St Ludington, MI 49431 (231) 357-8867maurie-fca@charter.net Luther Camp Living Waters 536 E. 6 Mile RdLuther, MI 49656 (231) 797-5107obarnes@camplivingwaters.org Edgetts Wesleyan Church Online Sermon Ministry 3446 N. Raymond Rd Luther, Mi 49656 (231) 797-5124pastordan@EdgettsCares.org Handfuls of Purpose 3446 N. Raymond Rd Luther, MI 49656 (231) 797-5124pastordan@edgettscares.org Manistee Lighthouse Pregnancy Care Center 215 Maple St. Manistee, MI 49660 (231) 299-5745lpcc.centerdirector@gmail.com Love INC of Manistee 453 River Street P.O. Box 28 Manistee, MI 49660 (231) 723-6613 loveincmanistee@sbcglobal.net Pool of Bethesda Ministries PO BOX 704 Manistee, MI 49660 (231) 794-9689thespiritswind@hotmail.com Shout4Girls 709 Harbor Drive PO Box 251 Manistee, MI 49660 (231) 735-5535shout4girls@yahoo.com Mears West Golden Women’s Society 5272 34th St Mears, MI 49436 (231) 873-5152wgwc@oceana.net Jellystone Park Outdoor Worship Service 8239 W. Hazel Rd Mears, MI 49436 (231)843-7572cthorne@t-one.net Mio Rev. Al Eastman P. O. Box 955 Mio, Mi 48647 (989) 889-1793Eddiesfriends1@aol.com His Love Family Resources 203 S Morenci Mio, MI 48647 989-826-5817 info@hislovemio.org Onekama Portage Lake Covenant Bible Camp 4158 Camp Delight Rd Onekama, MI 49675 (231) 889-5911 Little Eden Camp 3721 Portage Point Drive Onekama, MI 49675 231-889-4294 Oscoda Emmanuel Mission Emergency Homeless Shelter 219 West River Rd Oscoda, MI 48750 (989) 739-5751emissionshelter@mac.com Life Challenges Workshops 343 N Second St Oscoda, MI 48750 (989) 739-9581imageofgod85@hotmail.com Oscoda Area Christian School PO Box 342 Oscoda, MI 48750 (989) 739-0315chris@landmarktitlecorp.com Y-E-S I CAN Youth Mentor program P.O. Box 528 Oscoda, MI 48750 (989) 569-4216 info@y-e-s-ican.com Petoskey 1st Christian Church(DOC) Food PantryLiberty and Monroe St.Petoskey, MI 49770(231) 347-6181 Petoskey Area Christian Women's Job Corps 3003 E. Mitchell Rd Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 347-6890cwjcpetoskey@live.com Faith Legacy Ministry 231 State St Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 348-5433davidW@faithlegacyministry.org Insight 622 Howard St Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 881-0344tom@walkertrio.com Josie Bennett, MA, LLP 704 Petoskey St Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 439-3900care@racc2000.com Petoskey Area Christian Men's Job Corps 3003 E. Mitchell Rd Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 347-6890cwjcpetoskey@live.com Pregnancy & Resource Center 418 Waukazoo Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 348-3388prc@nmo.net RBM Ministries Roger Spencer 3166 Cedar Valley Rd Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 347-0315rspen@freeway.net The Walker Trio 418 Waukazoo St Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 881-0344thewalkers@walkertrio.com Young Life PO Box 215 Petoskey, MI 49770 (231) 330-5429corymgib@yahoo.com Reed City Curtman Publishing Forever Praise P.O. Box 275 Reed City, MI 49677 (231) 832-2839cbhandyman@juno.com Forever Worship PO Box 192 Reed City, MI 49677 (231) 832-9152mhowe@foreverworship.org Vacation Education Books 318 W. Upton Ave Reed City, MI 49677 (231) 832-8276corinne@vacationeducationbooks.net Rodney Cran-Hill Ranch 14444 17 Mile RdRodney, MI 49342 (231) 796-7669info@cranhillranch.com Camp Brethren Heights 9478 Brethren Heights Rd Rodney, MI 49342 (231) 867-3618 brethrenheights@gmail.com Rose City Whispering Hope Ranch Ministry 659 Mayhew Rd Rose City, MI 48654 (989) 685-3525 whisperinghoperanch@gmail.com New Life Camp 701 Mayhew Rd Rose City, MI 48654 (989) 685-2949Info@newlifecamp.org Sault Ste Marie Bread of Life 1001 Cedar St. Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783 (906) 440-6460 forjesus82@yahoo.com Care Net Pregnancy Center of EUP 1420 Ashmun Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 (906) 635-1103 cnpcofeup@gmail.com Central Child Care Center Preschool 111 E Spruce St Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 (906) 635-5191centralumc632@sbcglobal.net Christian International Ministry 670 Wallace Terr Apt 1 Sault Ste Marie, ON (705) 812-1394bossenac@yahoo.com David St. John Ministries 332 Arlington Ct Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783 (906) 203-5669stjohn31618@yahoo.com Divorce Care 686 Black Rd Sault Ste. Marie, ON (705) 254-2191 adrianah@sympatico.ca First Church of Christ Food Pantry 300 West Spruce St Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 (906) 632-6511fcoc@sault.com Little Lambs Early Childhood Center 615 Washington Way Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 (906) 632-2640Immanuelssm.litttlelambs@gmail.com New Bridge Community Chaplaincy 813 Johnston St Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783 (906) 253-9210 chapchuck@sbcglobal.net Peoples Blessings - Free clothing 424 Second Line East Sault Ste. Marie, ON (705) 949-3619info@whypeoples.com Pregnancy Centre 177 McDougald St Sault Ste. Marie, ON (705) 759-9100 acpc@shaw.ca SONbeamZ 66 Millwood St Sault Ste Marie, ON P6A 6S7 (705) 946-2882 promise23 @sonbeamz.com Uprise Prayer Revolution White Pines Community Theatre Sault Ste Marie, ON Shelby Camp Ao-wa-kiya 8401 W.ThomasShelby, MI 49455 (616) 381-8330admin@ao-wa-kiya.org JavaScripture 54 State St Shelby, MI 49455 (231) 873-4162stardan@lakeshore.net Traverse City Bethany Christian Services 1055 Carriage Hill DrTraverse City, MI 49686 (231) 995-0870cbultsma@bethany.org Operation Christmas Child 547 Springhill Rd Traverse City, MI 49686 (231) 922-9881occtc@yahoo.com Post Adoption Resource Centers 1055 Carriage Hill Dr Traverse City, MI 49686 (231) 995-0870bcstraversecity@bethany.org West Branch Caring Pregnancy Center of West Branch P.O. Box 513 West Branch, MI 48661 (989) 345-3909wbcpc@oopspregnant.com Faith Alive Church 2945 Hansen Rd West Branch, MI 48661 (989) 345-5440 info@faithaliveconnection.org Give2GiveHope PO Box 611 West Branch, MI 48661 (989) 965-0829ken.hayes@give2givehope.org Habitat For Humanity Ogemaw County 114 S. Fifth St West Branch, MI 48661 (989) 345-3668amyogemawhabitat@gmail.com Other Northern Michigan and Ontario Ministries Al-Anon-Mondays 7 p.m. South Lynn St.Onaway, MI 49765 (989) 306-1197brown_marleen@hotmail.com Al-AnonFaith Lutheran ChurchHawks, MI 49743 (989) 734-3895 All Tribes Christian Camp Richards Landing, ON (705) 246-1700camp@alltribes.org Almighty Love Foundation (A.L.F.) 61 Ansonia Rd Thessalon, ON(705) 971-5882 info@Almightylovefoundation.com Attachment and Bonding Counseling Center 1171 N. M-65Twining, MI 48766 (989) 867-4262vpjurek@hotmail.com Aush-Bik-Koong Bible Camp 260 Sugar Lake RdWalford, ON(705) 282-0773info@campabk.com Bay Shore Camp 450 N. Miller StSebewaing, MI 48759 (517) 883-2501info@bayshorecamp.org Bible Actors Productions 419 Strathmore RdLansing, MI 48910 (517) 420-8084Daniel.Hancock@BibleActors.com C.A.R.E., Incorporated 9731 S M-37Baldwin, MI 49304 (231) 745-0500care1@triton.net Cedar Bay Camp and Retreat Center 1128 South Cedar Campus DrCedarville, MI 49719 (906) 484-2294registration@cedarbay.us Celebrate Recovery Group 3107 S. M 65 Whittemore, MI 48770 (989) 756-2159 laurahumer@yahoo.com Center Lake Bible Camp 15204 20 Mile Road Tustin, MI 49688 (231) 829-3441whitley@centerlake.org Christian Horizons Inc. P.O. Box 150367 Grand Rapids, MI 49515 (231) 689-0948infousa@christian-horizons.org Galilean Bible Camp Po Box 459 Blind River, ON (705) 356-7961galilean@cssm.ca Heaven Above Ministries 14815 12th Ave Johannesburg, MI 49751 (989) 786-2068raptureup53@peoplepc.com Hiawatha Youth Camp Piatt Lake Eckerman, MI 49728 (734) 284-0200Hiawathayc@sbcglobal.net Hope House 173 Elizabeth St Walkerville, MI 49459 (231)873-4621 HopeWell Ranch 650 N. School RdWeidman, MI 48893 (989) 644-5965hopewellranch@hotmail.com Interim Ministries 5312 Green Pine Ct. SE Kentwood, MI 49508 (616) 299-2483pastorsteiner@sbcglobal.net Intramural Christian Youth Basketball P.O. Box 62 Hale, MI 48739 (989) 257-0233 icy_basketball@yahoo.com Janellen Kucharek, MA, LLPC P.O. Box 325 Waters, MI 49797 (989) 390-4256compassioncounseling@gmail.com Lake Ann Camp and Retreat Center 18215 Baptist Camp Tr Lake Ann, MI 49650 (231) 275-7329info@lakeanncamp.com Lewiston Family Ministry Center 3105 Mantz St Lewiston, MI 49756 (989) 785-4657pattifordwise@yahoo.com Keryx Prison Ministry 4526 Gilkey Rd Bay City, MI 48706 (989) 450-1970 b2@cris.com Living Water Ministries 7898 W Stony Lake Rd New Era, MI 49446 (231) 861-4138info@elcalivingwater.com Marriage Encounter 2100 W. Washington Rd Farwell, Mi 48622 (989) 588-6224Michigan@agme.org Messenger 724 Menominee Dr Howell, MI 48843 (517) 294-0547management@messengermusic.com Miracle Camp and Retreat Center 25281 80th Ave Lawton, MI 49065 (269) 624-6161info@miraclecamp.com Narrow Gate Youth Ranch 9241 S. Bonney Rd Chase, MI 49623 (231) 832-4806ngyranch@gmail.com New Focus 4 Community 6837 Lake Michigan Dr Allendale, MI 49401 (616) 895-5356training@newfocus.org Precious Gems Home for Women 10190 S. Blodgett Rd McBain, MI 49657 (231) 825-2533lynnrenee81@hotmail.com Plonta's Broadcasting 4330 Farver Rd Gagetown, MI 48735 (989) 315-8043 dplonta@hotmail.com Quaker Anne Childrens Stories 1628 Mill St Harrisville, MI 48740 (989) 736-6583 quakeranne@gmail.com Ron Elrod Ministries P.O. BOX 7150 Flint, MI 48507 (810) 743-5512dizzyfingers2000@yahoo.com Royal Rangers 9007 M-65South Lachine, MI 49753 (989) 358-6264northernranger@netzero.com Senior Care; E.Rapids Traverse City 620 Wilbur St Elk Rapids, MI 49629 (231) 264-5973shelagheckenberg@juno.com Stonegate Sabbatical Ministries 11280 Kingfisher Ct Holland, MI 49424 (616) 748-1167jameskaren@stonegateministries.org Strategic Ministry Partnerships International 27569 Hawthorne Rd Sturgis, MI 49091 (269) 743-9161info@smpionlline.org Survive Cancer Foundation, Inc. 3870 Hummer Lake Rd Ortonville, MI 48462 (248) 627-9409bruce@survivecancer.net The Way Ministries 7119 River St Benzonia, MI 49616 (231) 871-0551TheWayMinistries@worshipper.com The Truth T-shirt Company 3091 Sage Lake Rd Lupton, MI 48635 (989) 473-3791vzim44@yahoo.com Tim and Julie McKinney Ministries P.O. BOX 26 Fountain, MI 49410 info@timandjulie.org Timothy Consani Ministries 304 Meadow Ln Prudenville, MI 48651 (989) 578-9390consanit@gmail.com Tree of Hope Ministries 3835 Washington Rd Pentwater, MI 49449 (231) 690-9582mandoanna4jesus@yahoo.com Voice of the Martyrs Representatives 7539 S. Herron Rd Herron, MI 49744 (989) 727-3402bcscchurch@voyager.net Wilderness Christian Assembly 4408 Kniss Rd. SE Kalkaska, MI 49646 (231) 258-0080wcabear@gtlakes.com Add Your Ministry