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Reverse Advent Calendar
There are so many wonderful ways to give this year. How about joining a way to provide for those ministries who are making sure others are able to meet very real needs?
Let’s Share Some Thanks
November is a month where we remember who and what we are thankful for. As for the who, it is nice to let those who have been there for us know how much we appreciate them. To help with that thanks, we have created new printables for you!
Back to School Thank You Notes
We’ve got special notes you can print out so your child can bring a special message to their teacher, bus driver, and all the support staff that care about them this school year! Just print them and cut them out.
New Life Changing Word Printable 3
The newest Life Changing Word printable is available now to print out and put up where ever you could use encouragement or to share with others. They are also great for memorizing God’s word.