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The Story Behind “My God Is Still The Same” by Sanctus Real

The story behind “My God Is Still The Same” by Sanctus Real.

Story behind the song “My God Is Still The Same”:

“We wrote ‘My God Is Still The Same’ after a long time spent apart last year. I love that the common thread among us in that first conversation back was how crazy it is to think God has been there through all of history and has never once been caught off guard by any circumstance we have found ourselves in.

Nothing about our God has or will change, no matter how crazy things may look in a moment. He is steadfast through and through. We are so grateful to be able to share this message with you all. Thanks so much for listening.”

-Chris Rohman

“We wrote this song right in the middle of the pandemic when nobody really knew what the future looked like. One of our co-writers asked what we felt we could say to the church at such a difficult moment, and it stirred something in us.

Our nation and the church seemed so fear-riddled at the time, and I couldn’t help but think about the difficult things people had gone through all throughout history and how even in dark times we could still see the hand of God; and I thought, What has changed? So we wrote the song to remind people and the church that God is here—He hasn’t left—and the same God who did incredible things then, still does incredible things today!”

-Dustin Lolli

“We are so incredibly grateful the message of our new song is being heard over the airwaves! It’s so true that the God of all creation, who healed the sick and conquered death, is the same God who walks with us today. Not once has He ever let go… our God is still the same 🙌🏼 #sanctusreal #mygodisstillthesame

-Sanctus Real, Instagram

Beginning lyrics and chorus to “My God Is Still The Same”:

Just ask the waves
If they are stilled at the mention of His name
They'll say my God is still the same
Ask the walls
If they still fall at the mighty sound of praise
They'll say my God is still the same

When did He break His promise?
When did His kindness fail?
Never has, never will
My God is still the same
When did He lose His power?
When did His mercy change?
Never has, never will
My God is still the same, yeah
My God is still the same

Related Bible Verse: James 1:17
”Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Learn more about Sanctus Real on their website and Facebook page.

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