Your Music Keeps Lifting Me Up

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'” Isaiah 52:7

Dawn is a listener and supporter of the Promise FM. Dawn took the time to share how God has been alive and active in her life, her husband’s life and shared how the Promise FM has been a part of her life as well.

“He (Dawn’s husband) just wasn’t believing, and I said ‘Honey you’ve got to be saved. I don’t want to go to heaven without you.’ He started praying. He started crying, and now every day, he prays and he worships and he thanks the Lord for everything we’ve got! Jesus came into his soul and his heart and he’s beautiful now.”"The Lord saved me too and healed me. I had this illness and I was really, super sick. It’s an auto-immune disease. I was in so much pain and sometimes I couldn’t get out of bed. So I prayed and I asked Jesus ‘Please take this. I can’t keep living like this. This isn’t living.’ So I went back to the doctors and the doctor said they couldn’t find it and I said ‘I know…JESUS TOOK IT.’ I said ‘I know I’m here in Ann Arbor with you good people…But the Lord Jesus took it I’m telling ya. You need to believe, Jesus takes things. He helps and heals you.’ Like He’s going to heal my mamma who has cancer. He’s going to either heal her or He’s going to take her home. And if He takes her home, I told her I said, ‘Mama if He calls, you run into his arms and you go be with Jesus.’”“You guys are so wonderful. It’s because of you that my faith stays so strong. My husband was healed because we listen to you guys. You guys keep us in our faith and keep us strong. We don’t listen to no other station but you guys. You guys keep us on the right path and keep us going where we need to go.”“You guys bless us every day with your station, I’ll just be driving down the road and I’ll just start crying and worship the Lord and thanking Him. I’ll even be having a bad day and I’ll just thank the Lord Jesus and listen to your music and it keeps lifting me up and lifting me up.


Back to School Lunchbox Notes 2019


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