I hear a song and it just brings me right back to the Lord


Julia is a business supporter of The Promise FM.

Below she shares about the ministry of The Promise FM playing at work all day and even how she has used the prizes she has won on The Promise FM to bless others.

”Our church prayed for the radio station for about 2 years before it came into existence. it was amazing the way God just put everything together.""Everyday I try to do what the Bible says, to pray constantly without ceasing. Sometimes I get distracted...I get thinking about others things, and then I hear a song and it just brings me right back to the Lord. It helps me keep my focus on Him all day long.""I'll be listening to it and a customer will come in and I'll stop and talk wo them...sometimes they'll look around and say 'I can tell you're a Christian' because I have different sayings on the wall and all the names of God, but I've got the radio station on too...And sometimes, if they're not a believer, and they hear the Word, sometimes they ask questions, and that's when I can tell them about the Lord and what He means to me.""I pray for my customers...I'm a Prayer Warrior...The Lord told me a long time ago that's my ministry, to pray for my customers. I pray for the people that come in every day. I pray for every job as I work on it. I pray for the customers, that the Lord will bless them and help them in whatever needs they have...A lot of people really stepped up and told me what they needed prayers for.""There was a time this last summer, I won tickets to the Big Ticket Festival, and I knew a couple that could not afford it and really wanted to go. I gave them the tickets and they really enjoyed it - just had a fabulous time. They were newlyweds - and within a year after that, he passed away. So it was awesome time (for them). It was amazing to be able to give those to someone else who really wanted to go, but could not afford it."Julia


Thank You


Camp Week - April 15th to 19th - 2019