It's great for me to hear them singing


“Behold Children are a heritage from the LORD...” Psalm 127:3

You are such a blessing to the ministry! Thank you for being a part of the team that brings the truth of Christ to northern Michigan and parts of Ontario through music and ministry. Below Tara shares how Promise FM impacts her day.

“I do occupational therapy and I work in the home, so I spend hours in the car driving from patient to patient. Sometimes I’m in the car for an hour in between patients and that’s like, my prayer time-my thinking time of just processing what’s happened during the day, or what’s going to happen when I get home so when I turn on the radio station, God uses it in so many ways to play just the right song that you need, or to listen to you guys have a scripture that just hits home for me at that time.”

“It just is an uplifting for my spirit, or maybe I’ve had a hard patient & I come out to the car & I’m discouraged or frustrated. God uses the Promise FM to just help me regroup, focus in on what’s important, and give me perspective really.”“You think that when your kids are young it’s draining physically – which it is – but as they get older, teenagers are emotionally draining .. because you think ‘Oh, they don’t need me as much because they’re older – but in actuality they need you more, because they’re going through a lot more in life, they’re trying to figure out who they are, what they believe, what they want to do. They have a lot of outside influences from friends & situations that you, as a parent, cannot always control. They’re now stepping into that spot in life where they’re going to make their own choices and they have a lot more coming at them as teenagers, even more than I did as a teenager. You really have to be there for them emotionally. As a parent you’re working full time, but you have to make sure you’re still present for them.”

“ like to listen to a lot of different music but they know we listen to this station in the car a lot so if they’re with me and they have friends, this station is on. Even though my kids may not listen to the same music I do, it’s great for me to hear them singing along with the music on the Promise FM, knowing that they’re still getting Bible verses & uplifting music to encourage them.”

“The Promise FM is a great opportunity to spread the gospel, provide uplifting music. You guys have concerts, you just sponsor all kinds of things that are going to encourage people and help them grow in their walk. I also look at the radio station as a great, non-intimidating way preach the gospel. To get out into the world – sometimes people are not going to walk into a church building, they’re going to be more apt to turn on the radio station and hear a sermon being preached or the music being played that’s going to point them towards God, and I think that’s the great thing about the radio station. It’s a great way to support and be almost like a missionary.”


Congratulations to our I Love My Pastor contest winners for 2019


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