Donna’s Story

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Donna called in during our Fall Days of Promise Gift Drive to say, “I’m very thankful for The Promise FM and have been a daily listener during the pandemic while
working from home.” That was all we knew about her story when we called, but Donna had so much more to share. 

 “When the pandemic started back in mid-March, they gave some of the office staff the option to work from home – and I thought it was going to be 2 or 3 weeks, and it’s been nine months now.”

That was just the beginning of Donna’s story. In many ways, her story is America’s story right now.

“We’ve all faced challenges this year. I lost my brother – My parents are elderly, they’re in their 80s and they’re isolated in their home so we don’t get to see them very often – Even my sister who lives around the corner from me. I don’t get to see her very often either. We’re all just so isolated from each other.

 I have to say for me, God has used this time to heal my spirit. When you work in an office situation, a lot of times there’s politics – and even for Christians it can get to you and can weigh on you. For me to be home and away from all that, God has used that to heal my spirit and draw me closer.”

As her work from home “experiment” continues, Donna has watched God heal her spirit, humble her and draw her closer to Him.

“Not having all the outside influences and just being alone with my work and the radio and listening to you guys has been a constant. I sometimes think that maybe this whole pandemic was an opportunity to stop dealing with all the stuff going on around us and to look inward to what God really wants to do in our lives.

 You can’t physically be there to help people, so God has shown me that what I can do is pray for them and offer words of kindness and encouragement. I think God has really softened my spirit during this whole pandemic and I feel made me a better person. It’s like he’s pushed us all to our knees.”

Through it all The Promise FM has been a comfort to Donna.

“To me, the Promise FM is like having a best friend and a life coach with me all the time. You guys are always there with just the right scripture, the right song or the right story, and I can relate to the real experiences. It’s just been such a life comfort for me.

If we didn’t have The Promise FM, how would we be able to reach people? How would we be able to get that word of hope out? You guys do that every day, all day long, and that’s worth it to me.”


Wrap Up and Impact


Debra’s Story