You buy a new house & find a secret room. Doesn’t curiosity eventually get the best of you to go check it out? It did Anna, who found a couple of shoeboxes with love letters in them. The letters were addressed to Betty Sue, from a guy named Vance.  Anna started to read a few but kinda felt like she was invading their privacy, so she did the next best thing - went to social media.

Anna posted about finding the letters – told people the general area of the home & the names & asked does anybody know who this is. Dalton did. Vance & Betty Sue, or Bea & Pops as he knew them, were his grand-parents. He went on to tell Anna that Bea & Pops were h-s sweethearts & were married 50 years before they both passed away. Now, their love letters are on their way back to Dalton, to assure their legacy is passed on. You can follow more of the story HERE.


Cross International Results


The “Other” Love Language