National Fun at Work Day - Let’s do this!

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I am not one to follow every “National ____________ Day” but I am all for this. Thursday, January 28th, is National Fun at Work Day! Frankly, don’t we all need a little extra fun right now? The origins of National Fun at Work Day are unknown, but seeing that International Fun at Work Day is April 1st, I think a lot of it might have stemmed from fun awesome antics on April Fools Day. Who doesn’t love a little foolish fun?

So I am sharing this now so you can be ready on Thursday. Here are a couple of fun ideas I found that might bring not just fun to your co-workers but your boss as well:

- Host a boss look-a-like contest. Be kind but if your boss is game, have fun!

- Have a chili cook-off. I really like this idea specifically because Fred makes really great chili. Plus, what is better than chili in the winter?

- Have an appetizer pot luck. I have seen pot lucks, but who doesn’t love appetizers? Even the single guy in the office can join in and bring chips and dip. My husband Scott said that as the office single guy back in the day, he was always in charge of the rolls. Chips and dip sounds so much better, right?

- If you have someone who is super creative, maybe you can create some office awards so everyone gets one.

- Have a snowball fight. Yes, we’ve got it. Might as well use it. Just remember to be kind and do the throwing outside. That is unless you wisely bought the cheap snowball sets they sold during Christmas – I wish I had done that. I meant to.

- Have the staff wear silly hats, pajamas, or maybe see if you can on the fly create some capes and treat everyone like a superhero because, well, they are!

Whatever you do, make kindness and fun a goal on Thursday. Celebrating National Fun at Work Day can be an excellent benefit for the whole team by boosting morale, drawing the team closer, and it makes a more positive work environment. We could all use that. If you celebrate, let me know! Have fun!


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