Popular Giving Levels

Team 360Give a $30 monthly gift of support

Team 360

Give a $30 monthly gift of support

Promise ProviderGive a $50 monthly gift of support

Promise Provider

Give a $50 monthly gift of support

Kingdom BuilderGive a $100 monthly gift of support

Kingdom Builder

Give a $100 monthly gift of support


Your gift shares the love of Jesus through Michigan’s Biggest Baby Shower, providing life saving resources to children around the world with Cross International, and much more.

Your support also gives hope, encouragement, and spreads the message of Christ to listeners in Northern Michigan, Ontario, and around the world!


Just like you, our ministry has to plan and budget for our monthly and yearly expenses. Knowing we can count on your support by joining TEAM 360 and gifting $30 a month for a year helps us plan and invest wisely in the ministry.

Your monthly gift also saves the ministry operating costs, making your gift go even further.


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Matching Challenge