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Frugal February - Week 2

How is your Frugal February going? Have you done a pantry deep-dive? I am getting there and super stoked about it because that pantry deep- dive has helped me get some more space, which I need to declutter. I’ve got a pretty nice site to check out to find recipes that might help you with unique recipes for those surprise canned goods. ReadySetEat has given me a recipe for just about every odd and end canned food item that I have given it.

If you are using February to dive into a decluttering plan, you may have decided to ditch some video games, DVDs, CDs, and maybe even phones. You need to check out They will buy those items from you, and then you don't have to wait for yard sale weather.

Now, this might sound crazy, but did you know that you can use most fruits and veggie ends, stems and even cores in recipes? Some have even created businesses out of recipe plans and meal prep that encourage you to use EVERYTHING. It is a great frugal trick! One of the easiest is to freeze things like onion skins, celery tops, and other rando veggies- even leftover veggies from dinner and to use them later in stock, but you can find tasty recipes too! I found a recipe for potato peel soup online that looks incredible! Before you throw a veggie out in the composter, do an internet crawl. You never know, you could find your next favorite recipe!

Do you have any thrifty or frugal tips for February? Email me! I'd love to hear from you!