The Promise FM

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Declutter challenge - Day 4

Paper clutter is the stuff of nightmares. Maybe not quite nightmares, but my friend, the clutter that gets out of hand fast!

DECLUTTER CHALLENGE – PAPER CLUTTER. Today is the day, my friend; if paperwork, random mail, bills, and catalogs are your nemesis, we will learn how to tackle it once and for all.

Apartment therapy suggests five categories:
1 - Trash & recycling
2 - Action items (bills and things that need to be completed on time)
3 - Short term (coupons, things you might want to use, correspondence)
4 - Long-term (anything you need to keep for your records like necessary medical receipts, registration, insurance forms)
5 - Leisure Reading (magazines, catalogs)

Don’t drive yourself to exhaustion with this. Get a system set up, maybe an accordion file, and make it a habit to sort your mail and paperwork like this as soon as it comes in for the decluttering.

For today, pick a room or a spot and give yourself 20 minutes to attack. Shred anything that you are not keeping that has security info, set up locations for the long term, action items, and your leisure and put them in those places.

Best advice from Apartment Therapy - Taking the time to bring order to all the paper clutter now will save you time when you must find it later.

You can find my other posts here.